Preparation and maintenance of PMI certifications
Preparation and maintenance of PMI certifications
Your first step towards project success. Project Manager may not be your job title. But you'll still be asked to manage projects throughout your career. Kickoff will show you how. Take the free course today!
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Team Topologies for Project Managers
Learn the principles and practices adopted by organizations around the world to help accelerate software delivery at scale.
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Sense & Respond: Planning Agile Projects
With 4 clear, practical, actionable tools, Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden will teach you how to build a shared vision with your agile teams, lay the foundation for a productive collaboration and create project plans that enable agility and ensure success for your projects.
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Wicked Problem Solving
Get the tools and proven process created by technology pioneer Tom Wujec as a result of his decades of experience transforming the world's most influential companies
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